Our hardware expertise can provide you with a full range of services including functional specifications and requirement documentation, schematic layout, prototype manufacturing and testing. We have also designed embedded control systems that employ 8 bit micro-controllers and system interface control logic either in discrete logic or CPLD's / FPGAs.
Our designs include 8/16/32 bit microprocessors from almost all the major vendors; Static Ram, Flash memory, communication interface devices, display controllers. Many designs also incorporate multiple controllers with necessary handshaking and using common resources such as memories etc. Some products are designed using DSP's from TI and Analog Devices for high speed analog signal processing, Math applications and algorithms.
The control logic for each design has been implemented utilizing an appropriate technology, such as PAL's, CPLDs or FPGA's. We offer Altera, Actel, Xilinx and Quick-Logic FPGA based designs, including converting discrete logic circuits into FPGAs.
Our design expertise span around mixed signals using extensive analog circuits to process high frequency, low level signals & interfacing the same using ADC's up to 16 bits resolutions. The power supplies required for these designs are also designed in-house. Designs are implemented using multiplayer boards & using SMT & designed to meet various EMI/EMC requirements for high speed mixed signal circuits.
PCB Design Expertise
SoftX offers a wide range of PCB Design services, including Centralized Component Library creation, Schematic creation, PCB routing, Gerber reviews and Prototype development.
Our Product Development Cycle ensures that the electrical engineering team and PCB team work together to ensure that the components are placed to meet the mechanical constraints and the PCBs are routed to meet the required safety.
SoftX has close relations with many of the PCB vendors who deliver high quality boards within our required time. Technology Services also has close relationship with the contract manufacturing facilities in India who can assemble our boards and deliver it to us as per our requirement.
- Design Multilayer boards with proper PCB stack-up for Signal Integrity
- Design boards for DFM (Design for Manufacturability)
- Design boards for DFT (Design for Testability)
- Route high voltage Power supplies to meet UL / CSA / AMEX Safety Standards
- Route high speed boards to meet EMI / EMC Standards
- Review and provide findings for PCB designs & Gerber files sent by clients
- Convert layouts designed from PCAD to Allegro / PADS to Allegro, etc
- Line Simulation for high speed signals using the SI tool
- Multi-board Simulation using the SI tool
- IPC-2221 Series is being used for Generic Standards on PCBs
- Component creation and library maintenance as per IPC-7351 Standard footprints